Paradise Palms location, directions, satelite map

    Paradise Palms location, directions, satelite map

Paradise Palms

Paradise Palms Inhambane

Paradise Palms location, directions, satelite map

415km from the Lebombo Border Post
332km from Maputo
115km from Xai Xai

Travel along the EN1 until you reach Xai Xai. From Xai Xai you will pass the following villages Chongoene, Manjakaze, Chizavane and Chidenguele until you reach Chissibuca. At Chissibuca you will see the R906 Canda turnoff.

Turn right. Adjust your vehicles tyre pressure to 1 bar as some parts are very sandy. This part of the journey is 20km but can take up to a half an hour to drive, you will be passing through lots of villages so please drive slowly. The locals are dear to us so please take care.

When you reach a fork in the road keep left until you reach a hut which has a Canda Island sign. At the fork continue to the right until you reach the bridge.From the bridge you will need a 4x4 vehicle.

Once over the bridge there is an option of two paths, both lead to the same place, when you reach a sign "Canda Laguna" you will see houses to your right, remember do not turn off but continue until you reach the sign 104e turn right and you are at your destination.

GPS Coordinates: 25.0657°S  33.6182°W  





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