Casa Mercia Lodge location, directions, satelite map

    Casa Mercia Lodge location, directions, satelite map

Casa Mercia Lodge

Casa Mercia Lodge Inhambane

Casa Mercia Lodge location, directions, satelite map

You do not need a 4x4 vehicle to get to the Bela Vista Lodge. Take the EN1, which is the main road through Mozambique and follow it until you get to the junction south of Maxixe at Lindela. The road is in a fairly good condition but there are some potholes.

Once at the junction, follow the road all the way to Inhambane City. Once through Inhambane, The EN259 follows the coast (tarmac road) until you reach the junction for Barra Beach at Bar Babalaza. When you reach Bar Babalaza, keep left into the dirt road, Bela Vista Lodge is located past the turn-off for the lighthouse and easy to find.

If you wish to fly to Barra, you can do so. The closest international airport is situated in Inhambane and is a short drive to the Casa Mercia lodge in Bela Vista.

GPS Coordinates: 23.8708°S  35.3815°W  





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